Index Historical Data | Index Historical Prices | IFCM Hong Kong
IFC Markets Online CFD Broker

Index Historical Data

In this table is presented indices price history offered by IFC Markets. There are noted names of indices as well as ordered by groups depending on countries. Once you've decided about the index you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument column of the table. There you will be able to see more detailed information about your chosen instrument.

Index Historical Prices

AU200 ASX 200 IndexAsia & Pacific
DE30 DAX IndexStock
DJI Dow Jones IndexStock
GB100 GB 100 IndexStock
HK50 Hang Seng IndexAsia & Pacific
Nd100 Nasdaq IndexStock
NIKKEI Nikkei IndexStock
SP500 S&P 500 IndexStock
USDIDX US Dollar IndexCurrency
JP2000 JP2000Asia & Pacific
RUT2000 RUT2000USA & Canada

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