Free Currency Converter | Free Financial Widget | Exchange Rates Widget | Currency Widget | IFCM Hong Kong
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Free Currency Converter Widget


The Currency Converter Widget is a convenient complement to your website or blog. This calculator of exchange rates is a simple currency widget which will allow your visitors to calculate rates of all major currencies, using live currency rates.

The conversion takes place in real time.

Currency Converter

Currency Converter by IFC Markets

With our Currency Converter you can convert all major currencies of the world:

  • US Dollar
  • Euro
  • British Pound
  • Japanese Yen
  • Swiss Franc, etc.

How to set the Currency Converter widget

  1. Select your widget language
  2. Click on "Get the code" button and copy the code
  3. Paste the code on your website
    (exactly where you want the widget to appear)
Please Note
In the widget code the backlinks are realized in the code with rel="nofollow" tag. For mutually beneficial cooperation, please, remove the rel="nofollow" tag from the code when using our widget. Thank you!
Select language
Select your widget language
Copy the code and paste it on your web site.

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