Program Trading | NetTradex Advisors | NTL+ | IFCM Hong Kong
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Advisors for NetTradeX

NetTradeX Advisors – a complimentary trading terminal which allows to automate trading through the built in language NTL+, as well as to expand the functionality of the main terminal NetTradeX. The user can operate only on the terminal NetTradeX Advisors or simultaneously on both terminals - primary and secondary.

NetTradeX Advisors employs the same data for the user authorization as are those of NetTradeX Trade Terminal - username and password.

NetTradeX Language (NTL+) - an integrated language of NetTradeX Advisors, which complements the functionality of the main terminal in terms of the implementation of algorithms of the automatic trading.

The language NTL+ is C-like, that’s why all the standard structures of the language C are supported in it. Users, who are familiar with the programming languages C, C++, MQL4, Java, JavaScript, will find great similarity between them and the language NTL+. In NetTradeX Advisors, with the help of integrated language NTL+, it is possible to create three types of scripts: experts, indicators and utilities. Each type of script is intended for certain trading or analytical tasks:

  • Experts (Expert Advisor) - trading robots that give opportunity to automatically analyze the state of the market and trade in it;
  • Indicators (Custom Indicator) - allow you to build your own indicators, based on both integrated indicators and completely unique ones;
  • Utilities - give opportunity to perform trading or other activities. They differ from the experts by the way that they are run only once.

The parameters of experts can be changed during their implementation, thus changing the settings of trade "on the fly". Currently, there are some limitations imposed on the script implementation: the script must not carry out more than 75 trading requests per minute (in future this restriction will be removed).

The tester of strategies, operating on historical data, has been implemented on the terminal in order to fix the scripts and check the trading strategies.

On the trading terminal NetTradeX Advisors, apart from trading by advisors, the user can perform basic trading operations in "manual" mode, for example, open and close positions, set orders, use standard charts, add chart indicators and objects for the analysis of trends in the market. Additionally, an opportunity of visual trading is realized, i.e. many trading operations can be performed directly on the chart.

Work on capabilities and convenience of NetTradeX Advisors and NTL+ Language is still going on. In the next versions NTL+ Language will acquire features of object-oriented languages - working with classes, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, etc.

If the user has earlier written advisors through MQL4 language (MT4 platform), he can easily convert it to NTL+ language and run it on NetTradeX Advisors terminal. The user can see the conversion details here.

At your first launch of NetTradeX Advisors insert the following data (login, password and account type, like in case of the main terminal NetTradeX):

  • Login – of your NetTradeX account.
  • Password – password of your NetTradeX account.
  • Type – account type (Demo, Real).

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