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Basics of Dow Theory

Forex Trading

The Dow Theory is made up of six tenets, and all traders who decide to use technical analysis should know these 6 principles, as they will help them to better understand how the markets work.

The Dow Theory in Technical Analysis

AuthorSona Matasyan
GenreFinance, Education
Educational useDow theory basics
OrganizationIFC Markets
Book formatPDF
Publish date2020
Basics of Dow Theory

The Dow Theory in Technical Analysis

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The Dow Theory in Technical Analysis

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Charles Dow is the father of the modern technical analysis in the West. He developed a theory, later called Dow Theory, which expresses his ideas on price actions in the stock market. Charles Dow was also one of the founders of Dow Jones and Company, as well as the first editor of Wall Street Journal, where he published his ideas on the behavior of the stock market

The Dow Theory in Technical Analysis

The participants of the market, whether experienced or not, need a certain method or a strategy for conducting their investment and trading decisions in the market easily. One may use fundamental analysis, the other one may use technical analysis, or even the mixture of both for deciding when is the right time to buy or sell a certain financial instrument. Each method of analysis has its unique principles which will help traders and investors to make their trading decisions easily.


The participants of the market, whether experienced or not, need a certain method or a strategy for conducting their investment and trading decisions in the market easily.

Dow Theory PDF

When first entering the foreign exchange market (forex market) traders can easily face many losses if they do not use proper forex trading strategies and tools for forecasting the market movement.

As it is known, there are a number of tools for making a prediction, and one of them is technical analysis. In this article, you will find a brief history of technical analysis, will learn about Dow Jones and about his legendary theory which is quite popular among traders. What is more, you will find out what are the main tools that help to make the technical analysis more accurately.

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