黃金圖表 | 黃金報價
This page includes full information about the 黃金, including the 黃金 live chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames.
By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the 黃金 live chart – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart. All clients that have not yet decided which instrument to trade are in the right place since reading the full characteristics of the XAUUSD and watching its performance on the charts will help them to make their final decision.
黃金 價
- 1 MIN
- 5分钟
- 15 分鐘
- 30 分鐘
- 1 小時
- 4小時
- 1天
- 1週
This page includes full information about the 黃金, including the 黃金 live chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames.
By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the 黃金 live chart – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart. All clients that have not yet decided which instrument to trade are in the right place since reading the full characteristics of the XAUUSD and watching its performance on the charts will help them to make their final decision.
技術分析是基於歷史資料研究和評估市場走勢。 其主要的目的是通過技術分析工具來預測未來市場活性水準。圖表和技術分析利用市場的分析方法來預測不同貨幣和貨幣對的價格。這種分析將允許您基於歷史價格進行市場預測.
查看最新的技術分析, XAUUSD: XAUUSD .
黃金 新聞
黄金价格屡创新高,黄金需求却在下降: 散户投资者选择获利了结
金价保持相对稳定,徘徊在每盎司 2,500 美元附近。投资者正翘首以盼本周公布的美国消费者物价指数(CPI)报告,预计该报告将为美联储本月晚些时候的潜在降息幅度提供有价值的见解。...